ImpactAssets’ policy is that a grant from a DAF can fulfill a charitable pledge as long as it is in compliance with the following conditions:
• ImpactAssets makes no reference to the existence of a charitable pledge when making the distribution;
• No Donor/Advisor receives, directly or indirectly, any other benefit that is more than incidental (as discussed in IRS Notice 2017-73) on account of the DAF distribution; and
• A Donor/Advisor does not attempt to claim a charitable contribution deduction under § 170(a) with respect to the DAF distribution, even if the distributee charity erroneously sends the Donor/Advisor a written acknowledgment in accordance with § 170(f)(8) with respect to the DAF distribution.
Note that this policy is subject to change at any time and ImpactAssets has final discretion on all grant decisions.